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2014 IPD report

2014 IPD report

Thank you to all sponsors and supporters of International Permaculture Day whose financial support enabled this great event to happen.

Thanks to the following businesses from which individuals have volunteered their time to help run this event:

Special thanks also goes to…

International Coordinator:

Bella Bell (UK)

Southern Hemisphere Coordinators:

Penny Pyett (Aus)
Gillian Kozicki (Aus)

Graphic Designer:

Lauren Pothof (Aus)

Web Admin Team

April Sampson Kelly (Aus)
Nicole Sadlier (Aus)
Andy Skidmore (Aus)
Jacqui Besgrove (Aus)

Special thanks also to:
  • Ross Thompson (UK) for his PHP expertise
  • Coby Clarke (AUS) for his PHP expertise
  • Andrew Leahy (Aus)

About our funding

International Permaculture Day does cost to run. For it to remain successful and sustainable it need to be environmentally justifiable, socially and personally beneficial and financially sustainable. Advertising and promotion; stamps and postage; stationery; printing; website hosting and fees; telephone costs, and more, all add up.

IPD is a celebratory, sharing day that brings many benefits to Permaculture groups and business. To make the day a self-supporting activity and a win-win-win for all involved, it makes sense for Permaculture businesses and groups to contribute towards the cost of the day by, for example, a 10% tithing arrangement; or in the case of individuals a contribution you can afford. This sharing of the surplus and putting a small contribution from the surplus of one event towards the next will enable this great event to be successful and self-sustaining into the future.

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