IPD events Default Order Highest Rated Newest Listings Oldest Listings Alphabetically Featured Most Views Verified Upcoming Event Random 03/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Harvest Launcestion — join Permaculture Tasmania and Transition Tamar 07/06/2025 International Permaculture Day A Permaculture Party Cilgerran Village Hall High St Cilgerran Cardigan UK 06/07/2025 International Permaculture Day London Permaculture Festival 2025 Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Rd, NW1 7AY London 20/07/2025 International Permaculture Day The Calgary Permaculture Tour – 2025 Various sites around Calgary Canada 11/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Animals and Poultry in Permaculture Systems and Orchards Address provided on booking — Monbulk VIC Australia 04/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Perma-vegies Day Course Allhartsberg, Austria 03/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Sustainable Backyards Permaculture Day Course 971 Whiteman's Valley Rd Upper Hutt NZ 03/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Introduction to Permaculture 28A Trafalgar St Westown New Plymouth NZ 08/04/2025 International Permaculture Day Grow you own Veggies at Home from Seed Workshop Oatley Community Hall 61 Oatley Ave Oatley NSW Australia 26/04/2025 International Permaculture Day Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival — Our Power, Our Planet Alameda Park, Santa Barbara St Santa Barbara CA USA 04/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Homestead & Garden Tour Limestone Permaculture The Bucketts Way Stroud Road NSW Australia 03/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Gardening for Abundance Limestone Permaculture The Bucketts Way Stroud Road NSW Australia 06/04/2025 Permaculture Week Permaculture Garden Open Day Brogo Permaculture Gardens Hawks Head Rd Brogo NSW Australia 03/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Seed Saving For Future Food with Linda Brennan Northey Street City Farm Victoria St Windsor QLD Australia 03/05/2025 International Permaculture Day International Permaculture Festival of WILD Ideas Online from Brisbane Australia 03/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Introduction to Permaculture Course at CERES CERES Community Environment Park Roberts St Brunswick East VIC Australia 04/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Moss House Open Garden 14 Burmah Road, Denistone NSW 04/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Permaculture bee friendly garden — Poland Konwaliowa 4 Warsaw Poland 03/05/2025 International Permaculture Day Inspiration Farm’s Tour and Plant Swap 619 E Laurel Rd. Bellingham Wa 98226 USA Find an event in your country Asia 1 Australia 44 Canada 2 Central America 0 England 5 Europe 4 India 0 Ireland 0 New Zealand 3 Nth America 3 Online event 5 Scotland 0 Sth Africa 0 Sth America 0 Wales 3