Grow Back Better – London’s Permaculture Design Course offers positive design for your life, your community and your world by empowering the genius inside all of us!
Running during 2025 at OrganicLea’s Hawkwood site in Chingford, this course is about regenerative learning, enabling individuals, organisations and communities to come together over six weekends to create empowering solutions to the real-world challenges we are all facing in these times of change.
Adapted from the Permaculture Association (Britain)’s PDC core curriculum, this is a person-centred, fun, lively and inclusive course, exploring and utilising concepts such as Systems Thinking, Holistic Design, Community Empowerment, ‘Whole Person’ Health, Skill Sharing, Critical Thinking, Appreciative Inquiry, Right Livelihoods and much more.
Six weekends from May to October 2025:
Times: 10am – 4.30pm
Request a booking form from Graham Burnett: