Lawendowa Barć Pod Lasem is a lavender apiary where honey-producing plants and herbs are grown. The special care is dedicated to lavender which makes the place exceptional. That is why Lawendowa Barć pod Lasem is a perfect spot for hosting workshops for both adults and children. Permaculture, honey, lavender and bee lovers are welcome.
Permaculture bee-friendly garden Lawendowa Barć pod Lasem will open its door on 5th May after the winter season. This event will inspire visitors to create their own space to live a healthy and natural life. The Bee and Lavender Farm showcases a practical and transitioning permaculture example integrated into the owners’ life, beekeeping and gardening.
The owners have been managing their farm since 2005. For many years they followed conventional agriculture principles until their visit to the world-famous Krameterhof run by Sepp Holzer which was an eye-opening experience. Following that moment they started transforming the farm bearing in mind permaculture principles.