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Pip Magazine — podcast #3 with Hannah Moloney

Pip Magazine — podcast #3 with Hannah Moloney

To celebrate International Permaculture Day 2017, Pip editor Robyn Rosenfeldt goes back to basics to discuss the question, “What is permaculture?” with teacher, designer and all-round permaculture super star, Hannah Moloney of Good Life Permaculture.

Often those of us who live and breathe permaculture forget that we all started out wondering what on earth the term “permaculture” means, and this podcast takes us back to reflecting on the three core ethics and principles that underpin the permaculture concept.

In this podcast Hannah explains how permaculture is so much more than gardening and how it can help you have a whole systems approach to your entire life. She also shares her unique journey to permaculture and her top tips on how to learn the tricks of the trade if you’ve been thinking about dipping your toe into permaculture.

Want to know more about Good Life Permaculture’s Hannah Moloney. Check out our Pip Profile with Hannah here, where we chat to Hannah about the key lessons she’s learned throughout her permaculture journey and her best piece of advice for those new to self-reliant living. We also featured Hannah in the very first issue of Pip Magazine, all the way back in 2014. You can grab your copy of Issue #1 of Pip here.

Check out the full archive of the Pip Permaculture Podcast page, or sign up to our feed in iTunes or Soundcloud to make sure you get the latest episodes when they arrive. Our podcasts feature some of the freshest voices in the permaculture movement, bringing you some inspiration and practical ideas to start living the good life!

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