Supporters of PW & IPD who help make it happen
Want to keep a good thing going? That’s what our sponsors and supporters do.
Permaculture Week (PW) and International Permaculture Day (IPD) happen thanks to the time, effort and sometimes the personal funds of the volunteers who think it is a good thing. But it takes more than goodwill and free time and effort.
Now, you, your organisation or your permaculture business can join this band of creative people by becoming an International Permaculture Day sponsor or supporter.
Becoming a sponsor or supporter
A sponsor is a person, organisation or permaculture business that provides ongoing funding to PW and/or IPD.
A supporter actively promotes PW and/or IPD on their website and social media and elsewhere as opportunities present such as having a poster at your stall at an event to promote PW and/or IPD.
In return, we offer you exposure through:
- your logo and details on our sponsor’s page on the PW & IPD website
- acknowledgement in our regular social media feeds leading up to PW and IPD.
Contact us if you would like to discuss this further.
2024 sponsors and supporters
Thanks to all our 2024 sponsors and supporters…
Russ Grayson and Fiona Campbell
Thanks to Fiona Campbell for her voluntary work as website support and Russ Grayson for his editing of stories on the website.
Permaculture Education Institute
Our thanks to Permaculture Education Institute for organising a major event. Founded by Morag Gamble, the Institute teaches you how to design abundant permaculture systems, become a permaculture teacher, and start your own permaculture enterprise.
Permaculture Australia
Our thanks to Permaculture Australia for their promotion. They are a national hub for people and organisations working on permaculture-informed responses to local and global threats to planetary boundaries, and their social consequences.
Permaculture Association (Britain)
Our thanks to Permaculture Association (Britain) for promotion through their website and social media. They are building a network of systems thinkers with the power to create healthy cultures and ecosystems.
Permaculture Yarra Valley
Our thanks to Permaculture Yarra Valley for organising Permaculture Week. PYV is a not-for-profit association incorporated in Victoria.
They have a bio-regional focus on the Yarra Valley, with our membership spread throughout the valley and adjoining areas.
Permaculture Assoc. (Britain)
Our thanks to Permaculture Association (Britain). They are building a network of systems thinkers with the power to create healthy cultures and ecosystems.
Pip Magazine
Our thanks to Pip. They are Australia’s leading sustainability multi-media company, inspiring and empowering people to enjoy sustainable living, for the benefit of the earth and themselves.
Our thanks to Milkwood. They are dedicated to sharing permaculture skills, for living like it matters. Online, in person, in print… whatever it takes to get you inspired, we’re here to help you learn!
Our thanks to VicHealth for sponsoring the seminar ‘Growing our community: one backyard at a time’.
Yarra Ranges Council
Our thanks to Yarra Ranges Council for sponsoring the seminar ‘Growing our community: one backyard at a time’.