WHAT WE HOPE TO ACHIEVE by listing your event:
- promote permaculture as an approach to increasing the resilience of households, communities and cities
- inspire people to become involved in permaculture design and International Permaculture Day
- increase membership of and participation in local and regional permaculture and related groups
- increase participation in local permaculture courses and activities.
THINGS TO CONSIDER for your IPD event…
INFORMATION TABLE: Why not consider having an information table at our event with permaculture information, membership leaflets, course and other information?
WELCOMING: It can be helpful to allocate people to welcome visitors and to be able to answer their questions.
INSURANCE: Make sure your visitors are protected by insurance. This may be covered by household public liability insurance. If you are part of a permaculture group, additional protection might also be provided.
SAFETY PLAN: You need to have a risk and security plan worked out before the event. Think through how you can ensure your place, your belongings and those of your visitors are safe.
SIGNAGE: Place signage in prominent places to advertise where to enter your event. You might like to put up information posters to help interpret what visitors might be looking at.
FUNDRAISING: Ensure that you have met all legal requirements in our area if you intend to fundraise. You could use International Permaculture Day event as an opportunity to raise funds for our local group and for International Permaculture Day itself to assist the coordinating team in maintaining this website and the other organisational infrastructure to keep International Permaculture Day going.
PROMOTION: We ask that you take photos to document your event and upload them to your Instagram, Facebook and/or Twitter using the #permacultureday hashtag. We also ask that you write up a short report with a photo of your event so it can be uploaded onto the website as a record of what happened in 2016.
GO-LIVE: After your event is uploaded, it will go live when approved by the website administrator.
Thanks for being involved and we hope you have a fantastic and successful day.